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Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022

If you or a loved one are diagnosed with breast cancer, you have to stay strong. Strong in your spirit, heart, mind, and stamina. With one in eight U.S. women developing breast cancer in her lifetime and with a diagnosis every two minutes, almost everyone knows someone who has suffered from this disease that kills over 43,000 women each year in the U.S. So put on your pink, and let’s think how we can help others stay strong when dealing with breast cancer.

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Women in the US will develop breast cancer

number one cause image_rev 2

Cause of cancer in American Women


Of all new cancer diagnoses for women


Estimated New Invasive Cases in 2022

3.8 million

Breast Cancer Survivors in the United States

According to the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation.

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Safety is the pillar of our organization. However, safety isn't just wearing PPE at work. It extends to our personal health and well-being and staying strong for ourselves and others, especially if you or someone you know develops breast cancer.

Radians is proud to promote Breast Cancer Awareness and encourage women around the globe to stay safe by educating themselves on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. The National Breast Cancer Foundation is a great place to start if you're looking for information regarding symptoms or if you want to make a donation to this worthy cause.


Throughout the month of October, Radians will echo the National Breast Cancer Foundation's message on our social media sites to encourage awareness. Radians will also make a meaningful donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

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Sandra BCA Card
Mary BCA Card
LeShelle BCA Card

WEAR PINK! Show support with your PPE!

Want to show your support, too? An easy way to show your support is to wear pink! In addition to wearing pink clothing, you can also promote breast cancer awareness and stay safe at work by wearing pink PPE, such as Radians pink safety eyewear, hearing protection, or our cooling wrap.

BCA 22 Application Photo